
Women who experience incontinence and other bladder and pelvic disorders are often unaware of the highly effective treatment options available to them. Montefiore's experienced doctors aim to help women regain normalcy as quickly as possible by offering rapid diagnosis and treatment.

Major New York Area Referral Center

Many women assume that changes in their lower urinary tract functioning are an inevitable part of aging. Although symptoms such as frequency or urgency of urination, the need to get up at night to urinate or incontinence are quite normal, they can be easily remedied. Related conditions such as dropping, or prolapse, of the associated organs and interstitial cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) also have simple treatments.

As one of the main referral centers in the New York metropolitan area, our division treats more than 5,000 patients and performs more than 300 procedures annually. We are also one of 20 academic medical centers that are board-approved to train new doctors and offer the latest treatments and surgeries. Such recognition places us at the forefront of new developments in the field.

We welcome patients who have challenging case histories. Some women referred to us have already seen as many as seven doctors. Some have undergone an unsuccessful surgery. Our expertise and compassion are particularly valued by those patients who have struggled to receive accurate diagnosis and treatment.

State-of-the-Art Diagnosis

For all patients, our first goal is to quickly establish an exact diagnosis. We employ multi-channel urodynamic testing, which has several advantages compared to older diagnostic methods, including:

  • 95 percent accuracy
  • Noninvasive and prompt diagnosis
  • More thorough diagnosis than a medical history alone

Simple Cures

For 40 percent of our patients, a combination of behavior modification and medication effectively treats their symptoms without the need for surgery. New medications we prescribe are more easily administered and cause fewer side effects than previous ones.

When surgery is required, new developments in noninvasive techniques mean that most patients return home the same day or the following morning. Our results are outstanding, with up to 90 percent of patients experiencing improvement or fully cured.