Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery - Programs and Services

Urogynecology/Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery addresses lower urinary tract (bladder, urethra) symptoms including urinary incontinence, pelvic relaxation and pressure (genital prolapse), pelvic pain, recurrent urinary tract infections, backache of gynecologic origin, and other urinary and pelvic conditions in women of any age.

The Division screens and treats hundreds of women annually using state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment techniques. Medications, devices and surgery are all options, depending on the patient's preferences and needs. Our medical doctors encourage and promote patient and family input into the choice of diagnostic tests and treatments.

We are committed to comprehensive humane attention to the patient as a whole person, including her family and social dynamics. Counseling, home care referrals, and other social services are recommended as needed.

Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center are renowned teaching institutions. Medical students, interns, residents and fellows often assist our faculty in providing optimal care for our patients. In July 1998, the Division was approved for a 3 year Fellowship Training Program by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Conditions We Treat

Urinary Incontinence (involuntary loss of urine) affects approximately 17 million Americans. Four times as many women than men suffer with this problem. It is the most common single reason for hospitalizing elderly women. Yet it is treatable and often curable.

In quality of life studies, patients report urinary incontinence to have a greater negative impact on quality of life than medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, orthopedic problems, heart disease, and others. In fact, it rated second behind depression as having the most negative impact on quality of life. Women suffering from this condition become isolated, withdrawn, and often antisocial because of their embarrassing symptoms.

Genital Prolapse - Pelvic relaxation is the end result of low estrogen levels and the effects of aging and estrogen deprivation on pre-existing pelvic floor weakness brought about by labor and vaginal birth. It presents as a bulge or a ball of tissue protruding from the vagina. It often makes walking and sitting difficult and, since, in effect, the vagina is actually turned inside out, the exposed delicate vaginal tissue is subject to trauma, infection, and bleeding. Both medical and surgical cures are available.

Other conditions frequently encountered in our practice include:

  • Urinary Urgency and Frequency
  • Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Urethral Syndrome
  • Menopause-Related Diseases including hormone replacement

Diagnostic Services

Comprehensive Evaluation and Management of urinary incontinence, anal (fecal or stool, gas) incontinence, pelvic relaxation, genital prolapse, urinary tract infections, urinary bleeding, interstitial cystitis, urethral syndrome, and a variety of other conditions affecting the lower genitourinary-intestinal tract.

Urodynamics: State-of-the-art physiologic testing of the bladder, urethra, and the pelvic floor.

Cystourethroscopy: Direct visualization of the inside of the bladder and urethra which can be viewed and recorded on video equipment.

Electrodiagnostic Neurophysiologic Testing for urinary problems related to neurologic disorders.

X-ray, Fluoroscopic, Ultrasound and other Imaging Studies

Evaluation of Chronic Pelvic Pain from causes other than the female genital organs (urinary, musculoskeletal, urinary tract).