High-Risk Pregnancy

Montefiore Medical Center High-Risk Pregnancy Group is one of our obstetric practices staffed by Albert Einstein College of Medicine faculty members. We offer expert care to expectant mothers with a high-risk health condition or obstetric complication. Our expertise ensures that our patients and their babies are as healthy and comfortable as possible during all stages of pregnancy and delivery.

Expertise in Early Assessment

Women who are identified with a medical condition that could complicate their pregnancy — such as heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, advanced maternal age or multiple births — are referred to our Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, based primarily at the Weiler-Einstein Division on Montefiore's Einstein Campus.

We offer a wide range of fetal testing services to identify potential fetal health risks. Available tests include:

  • Non-Stress Testing (Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring)
  • Ultrasound Evaluations (Biophysical Profiles)
  • Doppler Ultrasound Evaluations

The combination of our extensive medical expertise and state-of-the-art technology allows us to address complications and alleviate risk as early as possible.

Specialized Fetal Care

When prenatal testing reveals fetal health risks, appropriate specialists immediately assess and address potential complications. Montefiore's expert doctors commonly treat conditions such as:

  • Fetal growth restriction
  • Congenital heart disorders
  • Neural tube defects
  • Fetal urinary tract abnormalities

Our focused care allows us to maintain the highest level of fetal health throughout even the most difficult pregnancies. For women who require intensive care during pregnancy or delivery, our specialists in obstetric medicine provide sensitive, comprehensive treatment. Our doctors are also skilled in handling premature or complicated deliveries, ensuring that all needs of newborn and mother are met.

Flexible Care for Precise Needs

In order to meet the precise needs of every expectant mother and child, our High-Risk Pregnancy Group offers several levels of care. We will work directly with patients or in cooperation with other physicians by providing ongoing primary care, co-management with the patient's primary doctor or consultative care.

Pregnant women seeking treatment for serious health conditions, such as cancer, receive caring, interdisciplinary treatment that serves their unique needs. Such collaborative care may include social workers, neonatologists and pediatric surgeons.

Continuous Advancements in High-Risk Care

At Montefiore, we are always expanding our expertise in high-risk pregnancy through research. We are currently participating in a study to investigate predictors for growth restrictions during pregnancy and for adverse pregnancy outcomes. This and other efforts are part of our drive to provide all expectant mothers —and especially those with challenging pregnancies — with conscientious, individualized care that delivers optimally healthy babies.